Thursday, May 26, 2011

How is suspense built into the story?

In my book "Bad" the suspence starts building up in the begining of the book. In the first chapters of the story Dallas, the main character, starts to build the suspence by hanging around the wrong people. This is starts to influence her into doing bad things and start behaving bad. One thing is for sure in the first chapters it says her mother is not in her life so I think this puts more pressure on her to do bad and listen to her friends more. Dallas starts to disrespect her father. In my opinion I think that since she didn't really have a female role madel or a mom to look up to she looks up, she might think it feels ok to do what her friends do because of that. Another thing that leads to the suspence of the climax is that Dallas starts hanging around this boy named Ray and he influences her to do bad. With Ray telling her what to do and her friends supporting Ray to make Dallas do wrong she gets into trouble by robbing the store with a gun.

My picture relates to the suspence that happens because in the story because Dallas gets arrested by police because she was robbing the store at gun piont rage just like the man in my picture so thats when the suspence happens and then she gets sent to juvie for the crime she commited.

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